Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bruno's House

Well after a couple weeks of work, Bruno's dog house is finally complete. I decided that once it starts raining more, he should have more than the one-foot soffit overhang from which to find shelter. This should also be warm enough so he can stay outside most days in the winter while we're at work.
I built the house in sections so when we move it will be somewhat easy to take apart and take with us. The floor and the walls were all easy to move from the garage. The roof on the otherhand, is quite a bit bigger, measuring about 6'x6'. And with an extra 100 pounds of shingles on top of it, it wasn't all that easy to move out to the back. After some sweating, some yelling and some swearing Katie and I finally coerced the roof into position!
I think he likes it!

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