Thursday, June 19, 2008

Two Days of Sun!

Over Father's Day weekend, Edmonds holds an art festival. It was a very nice day, so we thought we'd check it out. We spent the afternoon walking around and looking at all the art and enjoying the sun.
On Monday we woke up to another day of clear blue skys, so we thought we'd take advantage of it and head downtown to the Space Needle. We had a pretty spectacular view the whole way down!

It made the traffic seem not so bad

We thought the view from up there would be pretty good on a day like it was...and it had better be for $16 a person!!

Yeah it was worth it...

If you look closely, you can see Mt. Rainier just to the right of the skyscrapers

This is a view of the Olympic mountains out over the Puget Sound

It was a great couple of days!

1 comment:

The Brown's (Josh & Lindsey) said...

Looks like a nice place to live, as long as the sun makes an appearance atleast a couple time per week. A lot more scenic then here in Chaska where there are no mountain or ocean views. Hope you guys enjoy finding out where everything is in Seattle. Talk to you soon.

The Brown's
(Josh & Lindsey)