Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cougar Mountain Hike

Last week, Kent and Becky (Brian's cousins) took us hiking at Cougar Mountain Park, just a bit east of Lake Washington.
Kent and Becky's dogs, Radar and Carlie, came along and so did Bruno. Katie enjoyed having Bruno along for the uphill stretches!
The trail was 6 miles long, and very wooded, as you can see, with ferns everywhere. Unfotunately the sun didn't come out until after we were done, so the "view points" along the trail weren't the best, but we had a great time anyway!
Becky was our navigator with the map but Carlie (a coon hound) led most of the way with her nose going crazy!
We stopped half way to have some lunch and rest. Can you tell which of the three dogs is out of shape?
Bruno really doesn't like bridges and usually gets across them as fast as possible, so this pictures was actually a lot harder to get than it looks. It was a nice hike, and we can't wait to check out more of the trails around the area.

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