Sunday, November 1, 2009


Well we've been making some good progress on the house. We got the roof on and the windows in a week and a half ago. The siding is almost done, and we're hoping for a few days of dry weather this week so we can get it painted. I got all the electrical done and signed off, and we have light in the room again, which is great! Over the weekend, my friend Nate and I got the insulation in. I had never done much insulation before, and I now understand the motivation of the guy who invented the spray-in insulation. It took the full weekend to get it all done. But we're now ready for sheetrock, which should go on mid-week.

On a non-house note, Katie had her wisdom teeth removed on Friday, so it's been a veg weekend for her as she recovers. Her cheeks are a little swollen, but she's not in too much pain thanks to the pain-killers.

After a long weekend, our addition is now energy efficient!

The cedar siding looks nice, it's a shame we have to pain it! It sure made the garage smell good.

1 comment:

Nate and Jen said...

It looks great! it's nice to know that if this airplane design thing doesn't work out for you, you have a fallback career to pursue.