Saturday, May 14, 2011

The past 5 weeks!!!

I have been informed by many people that my last post was about 5 weeks ago so YAY I finally have another one done!!! The first couple pictures are of the belly and the rest are what has been happening in our lives for the past 5 weeks. Enjoy!!!

24 weeks

25 Weeks

My Cousin Tom Bakke and his wife Jonetta had a baby girl named Bergen. We were all fortunate to be able to meet her at Easter!! Mackenzie and Bergen Lanae, Mackenzie and Bergen Still Bergen, not mine yet!!! Brian and Bergen Brad and Barb came to visit us and see our new house this past week and I was very fortunate to have Brad's help making my very first garden. On the left you will see an old ladder that we made into a trellis.

This isn't actually the most updated picture of the garden, I will try to get that on the next post. This little guy is the newest addition to our family!! My moms horse Jessie (the mama) had her little baby the begining of April. We are still thinking of names so if anyone has any good suggestions let us know!!
Brian and I hope everyone is doing well. I hope you enjoyed the pictures and hopefully it is not another 5 weeks before the next post! Love you all!