Sunday, February 7, 2010

Catching Up

Whoa time has flown by. I've been meaning to get a new post up for the last couple months now but never seemed to find the time. We went to Burnsville for Christmas this year and had a lot of fun. Katie and Renee and their families were all home, it was great to see everyone! We were also able to spent a few days in Grand Forks with Katie's family. Not too long after we got back Katie and I had our 1 year wedding anniversary. We're going to be doing a lot of traveling this year, so we decided to stay close to home. We spend the afternoon and night in a nice hotel downtown and went out for a nice dinner. It was great to get away from working on the house for a bit and truly relax! We lucked out with the weather and the sun graced us with its presence for the afternoon. The house is coming along great. We have begun remodeling the master bathroom and closet. We pretty much gutted it completely, took out the inside walls and re-framed a new wall and a new doorway. We put a schedule together to make sure we kept track of everything and so far we're two weeks ahead of schedule! We hope to be done by mid-April. Here are some pictures from the last couple months.

Mt. Rainier from our hotel room
A view of the sound, again from the hotel room. The sun was so nice!
Ripping apart the bathroom
Here's the new door to the bathroom. Katie and I had a fun evening putting together the new closet wall
Finished pocket door
New bathroom all framed in. The sinks will be on the left just this side of the small wall. The shower is just beyond the small wall, and the toilet will be in the far right corner.