Thursday, November 12, 2009

DONE (well, kinda)

Hello everyone, we are finally finshed with the outside part of the addition. Brian put the final coat of white trim paint on today!!
Soon we are getting new windows for the other bay wondow on the right and we will match the trim. It is really coming along!!!

The drywall guys were here today and sanded down all the mud so we are finally ready for our final inspection. This is our closet which we doubled in size and I am super excited about it.

Here is the inside of our room, this gives you kind of an idea how much room we really added on. The aqua wall is where the front wall used to stop.

That is all we have for now but we will keep you updated!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Well we've been making some good progress on the house. We got the roof on and the windows in a week and a half ago. The siding is almost done, and we're hoping for a few days of dry weather this week so we can get it painted. I got all the electrical done and signed off, and we have light in the room again, which is great! Over the weekend, my friend Nate and I got the insulation in. I had never done much insulation before, and I now understand the motivation of the guy who invented the spray-in insulation. It took the full weekend to get it all done. But we're now ready for sheetrock, which should go on mid-week.

On a non-house note, Katie had her wisdom teeth removed on Friday, so it's been a veg weekend for her as she recovers. Her cheeks are a little swollen, but she's not in too much pain thanks to the pain-killers.

After a long weekend, our addition is now energy efficient!

The cedar siding looks nice, it's a shame we have to pain it! It sure made the garage smell good.